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Who is this for?

My Shop provides expert recommended products for your child’s age and stage. Your privacy matters. We do not share this data with any third parties.

How would you like to find your child’s fit?

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Our Printable Fit Finder

Find your child’s perfect size with our free printable fit finder and have your little one color them up!

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Yay! Your Fit Finder is on its way.

Check your inbox for your printable Fit Finder. Find your child’s Ten Little size and come back to get them a pair.

Didn’t get an email?

Download the printable Fit Finder now

What is your child’s foot length?

You don’t have to account for any extra wiggle room—we already do.

Foot Length

What is the brand of the shoe?

This method is best if your child has been professionally fitted for the shoe.

Don’t see your child’s current brand? Try another method.

Size of shoe in that brand?

How do the shoes fit?

This will help us translate your current shoe size to the best Ten Little size.

Hooray! Based on the information you shared, we found your child’s size.

Please enter your email to view your personalized recommendations. We respect your privacy and will not share your information.

Bummer, we currently don't carry products in your child's size.

Sign up for our mailing list as we are always expanding sizes and products!