Which potty training method is best to use for my child?

Deciding which toilet training method is best for your family and child can feel intimidating. There are many books out there that teach the benefits of different methods, so we’re here to demystify the differences between each! There is no “right” or “wrong” method to use, as different methods may be better suited for different families and lifestyles.

Some parents may ask “how long does it take to potty train my child?” The answer is, it depends on which method you use and child’s potty training readiness!
  • Child oriented approach:

    Popularized by T. Berry Brazelton, this approach serves as a model for the toilet training guidelines given by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Using this method, parents are encouraged to look for signs of potty training readiness in their child before beginning the potty training process. This approach encourages a gradual introduction to potty training in which the parent waits for their child to indicate that they are ready for the next step before proceeding. 

  • The Azrin and Foxx Method:

    also known as “toilet training in a day,” this method encourages toilet training over the course of one day using positive reinforcement. Parents encourage the repetition of potty training behaviors, rewarded by praise and occasionally rewards such as snacks or stickers for following instruction. This method typically occurs with the child naked from the waist down to remove the barrier of a diaper or underwear as they learn.

  • Parent-led potty training:

    In Parent-led potty training, parents initiate toilet use by encouraging their child to use the toilet at specific time intervals throughout the day. This could be every 2-3 hours, or after every meal and before bed. This gets the child used to a schedule of using the toilet.

  • Infant Potty Training:

    Parents may avoid diapers altogether from a very young age. With this method, the parent keeps a close eye on the baby’s physical signals to know when they’re ready to poop or pee. When parents sense that their child is ready to go, they bring them to the bathroom and help hold them over the toilet.


      This article has been reviewed by our team of experts.

      Disclaimer: The contents of this article does not constitute medical advice. If you have concerns about any health or medical condition, diagnosis, or treatment you should consult with your pediatrician or a licensed healthcare provider.